Herugrim - Sword of King Theoden (UC1370) |
Points: 15
Blade Material: Tempered, 420 J2 stainless steel, false-edged.
Handle: Solid metal pommel with an antiqued finish, wood handgrip.
Genuine leather wrapped grip
Plaque: 11" x 10-1/2" x 3/4" wood with a silkscreened design.
King Theoden," courageous soldier and leader of the land of Rohan, fell under the power of the wizard Saruman" through the slithering machinations of his servant Grima." Only through the intervention of Gandalf the White" was Theoden" exorcised of Saruman's" corrupting influence. Gandalf" said to Theoden,"Your fingers would remember their old strength better if they grasped your sword", and at that moment Theoden's mind cleared, his authority as king returned to him, and his great sword, Herugrim" was once more returned to his grasp. Theoden" went on to lead the defense of Helm's Deep and the charge of the Rohirrim to the aid of Gondor and against the hordes of the enemy that assailed the White City. The hope of all Men and Free Peoples then lay in the defense of Minas Tirith.
LOTR The Sword of Eowyn (UC1423) |
Points: 20
BLADE MATERIAL: Tempered, 420 J2 stainless steel with a fuller grind, false-edged.
HANDLE MATERIAL: Solid metal guard and pommel with antiqued brass plated finish, the hilts are cast in the symbols of the famed
horses of Rohan and the grip is genuine leather-wrapped, tapered tang construction.
PLAQUE: 11" x 10-5/8" x 3/4"wood, silkscreened design of an icon of Rohan.
Born in Edoras, Eowyn suffered the early death of her parents, and was forced to look after her ailing uncle, King Theoden, whose health was rapidly diminishing under the increasing control of Saruman and Grima Wormtongue. The beautiful and strong Eowyn was trained as a Shield-maiden, and was considered to have surpassed many Rohirrim men in terms of craft and skill. She carried a full-sized sword, which measured nearly three feet in length, from tip to hilt. The bronze guard and pommel were styled beautifully in honor of the mearas, to improve the grip of Eowyn's small hand upon the sword. The handgrip was crafted with a raised middle section of three bronze rings. A wide fuller groove runs down 3/4 of the blade to reduce the weight, yet still retain critical blade strength. This type of fuller was common among royal swords of the Rohirrim.
Against her uncles wishes, a disguised Eowyn rode with the Rohirrim to the Pelennor Fields along with the hobbit, Merry, in defense of their fallen king. Eowyn achieved true heroism as she succeeded in the slaying of the Witch King and his fell steed, however, she also suffered a heinous injury during the crusade. After being healed by King Elessar, Eowyn finally abandoned her passion for battlefield grandeur and found true love in the arms of Faramir.
LOTR The Sword of Boromir (UC1400) |
Points: 20
BLADE MATERIAL: Tempered, 420 J2 stainless steel with a fuller grind, false-edged.
HANDLE MATERIAL: Solid metal guard and pommel, antique metal finish, genuine leatherwrapped grip, tapered tang construction.
PLAQUE: 12-1/8" x 13-3/8" x 3/4"
wood, silkscreened design.
Oldest son of Denethor, the steward of Gondor, Boromir was a prince in all but name: he was implanted into a noble house and heir apparent to a ruling tradition that spanned back for a thousand years. Boromir was a proud and strong man who was considered by his fellow soldiers to be one of the most skilled swordsman of Gondor. He triumphed as a captain in the Gondorian army while leading the forces against Sauron at Osgiliath, where he deterred a throng of Orcs that had overrun the former capital city. Following a powerful dream Boromir shared with his brother Faramir, Boromirs father commanded his son to ride north as the ambassador for Gondor to attend the Council of Elrond. He later agreed to join the Fellowship on its quest to destroy The One Ring. In a single moment of weakness, Boromir attempted to take the Ring from Frodo, which would in turn lead to his demise as he single-handedly defended hobbits, Merry and Pippin, from the hands of Saruman's Uruk-hai before falling under a rain of arrows. Boromir's sword was single-handed, big, broad and powerful - a fit complimentary to its owner. To use it required someone with great strength, which this skilled warrior abundantly possessed.
LOTR Sword of the Ringwraiths (UC1278) |
Points: 20
Blade Material: Acid etched, tempered, 420 J2 stainless steel, false-edged.
Handle Material: Authentic battle worn solid metal crossguard and pommel, genuine leather-wrapped grip, rat-tail tang construction.
Plaque: 10" x 13-7/8" x 3/4" wood, silk screened with the mark of the Eye of Sauron.
Ringwraiths, also called Dark Riders or the Nazgul, are the shadow servants of Sauron. There are 9 of them to represent the 9 mortal Kings that Sauron corrupted with his Ring of Power. They can sense when the Ring of Power is near and can see the Ringbearer even more clearly when he puts it on. The Ringwraith's sword was built by armourers of the dark land of Mordor, under the command of their evil master Sauron. This massive sword features authentic battle worn metal handle parts and genuine leather-wrapped grips. The acid-etched, tempered 420 J2 stainless steel blade is false-edged. Includes a wood wall display plaque adorned with the mark of the Eye of Sauron, master of the Ringwraiths.
LOTR The Sword of Strider Scabbard (UC1366) |
Points: 10
Sheath with solid metal tip and collar, genuine leather wrap and straps, brass finished fittings and buckles. Includes a companion knife housed in a sheath on the side of the scabbard. Fits UC1299 - Sword of Strider from LOTR movie.
The Anduril - LOTR forged sword (DA1309S) |
Points: 15
The Lord of the Rings Anduril sword is a recreation from the popular trilogy written by J.R,.R. Tolkien. The Anduril is hand Crafted with 5160 High Carbon steel, dual hardened to a Rockwell of 60 at the edge and 48-50 at the core. The beautifully detailed leather handle is accentuated by the unique pommel, making this one of the most recognized fantasy swords. The blade is forged with a deep full length fuller.
The Ranger Sword Lord of The Rings Forged Sword (DA1310S) |
Points: 15
The Lord of the Rings Ranger sword is a recreation from the popular trilogy written by J.R,.R. Tolkien. The Ranger is hand crafted with 5160 High Carbon steel, dual hardened to Rockwell of 60 at cutting edge and 48-50 at the core. The beautifully detailed leather handle is accentuated by the unique pommel, making this one of the most recognized fantasy swords. The blade is forged with a deep full length fuller.
Comes with leather scabbard.
Lord of the Rings Letter Opener Anduril (NN4468) |
Points: 4
This letter opener is an authentic miniature reproduction of Aragorn´s sword ´Anduril´ as seen in the ´Lord of the Rings´ movies.
It measures approx. 23 cm in length and comes in a wooden box with opening glas lid.
Lord of the Rings Letter Opener Narsil (NN6552) |
Points: 4
This letter opener is an authentic miniature reproduction of Elendil´s sword ´Nasil as seen in the ´Lord of the Rings´ movies.
It measures approx. 23 cm in length and comes in a wooden box with opening glas lid.
Lord of the Rings Letter Opener Hadhafang (NN9281) |
Points: 4
This letter iopener is an authentic miniature reproduction of Arwen´s sword ´Hadhafang´ as seen in the ´Lord of the Rings´ movies.
It measures approx. 20 cm in length and comes in a wooden box with opening glas lid.
Lord of the Rings Letter Opener Herugrim (NN9248) |
Points: 4
This letter iopener is an authentic miniature reproduction of King Theoden´s sword 'Herugrim' as seen in the ´Lord of the Rings´ movies..
It measures approx. 23 cm in length and comes in a wooden box with opening glas lid.
Dune Long Blade of Duncan Idaho (UC3606) |
Points: 15
United Cutlery’s Duncan Idaho replica long blade is an exact reproduction of the actual filming prop used in the films. A 22 3/8” 3cr13 stainless steel blade is 4mm thick and finished in a semi-gloss black coating.
Tags: hobby, movie props, collectibles, fantasy, movie replicas, fantasy collectibles, scale models, figurines,