The finely detailed statue stands 12 com high and is cast in bronze.
It features Bilbo Baggins in a pose with his trusty sword Sting.
Bilbo’s life is turned upside down as he sets out on an adventure, there and back again.
This letter opener is an authentic miniature reproduction of Tauriel dagger as seen in the The Hobbit movie.
It measures approx. 19,5 cm in length and comes in a wooden box with opening glas lid.
The three Elven blades found in the troll hoard presented in a wooden collector box with the Hobbit logo.
Each measures approx. 23 cm in length. They come together in a wooden box with opening glas lid.
This letter opener is an authentic miniature reproduction of Thorin Oakenshield´s Orcrist sword as seen in the The Hobbit movie.
It measures approx. 23 cm in length and comes in a wooden box with opening glas lid.
This letter opener is an authentic miniature reproduction of Bilbo Baggin´s Sting sword as seen in the The Hobbit movie.
It measures approx. 23 cm in length and comes in a wooden box with opening glas lid.
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